The Harrowing of Hell on this Good Friday

It being an important day in the western liturgical calendar, I thought I'd drop a few links here about the "medieval" concept of the Harrowing of Hell--or, better stated, the Harrowing of Hades (because Hades is the underworld/the land of the dead, and the word "hell" should be reserved for the idea of Gehenna, which was a real location and we might have some conversation about whether or not it's a spiritual place, but either way, Gehenna is NOT Hades). Image credit: from the Hagia Sophia. Credit for compiling some of these links also goes to Joshua Sherman.
The Harrowing of Hell is not "just" a medieval Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox idea. Its roots are firmly established in the biblical canon, and many evangelicals are talking more and more about this foundational aspect of the work of Jesus.
Here's the most recent podcast that I know of that touches on this topic. Not included in this discussion, but that is good to mention here, is that the term "harrowing" can refer to something that a military does (or, in this case, the demolishing of the "gates" of hell--ahem, Hades--by Jesus), and harrowing can also relate to the activity of sowing and planing a field! So how's that for some really amazing dual imagery??
Hades, the Womb of Resurrection, with Joshua Sherman on the Two Trees Podcast
Here are a couple of conversations about this topic from the YouTube channel Myths, Mysteries, and Majesty. I participated in the first discussion:
The Harrowing of Hell & Christus Victor
Divine Triumph: Conquering Hell and Christ's Victory
And a great episode from the Naked Bible podcast that touches on this:
Naked Bible 363: Revelation 3, Part 2
Finally, for those who'd like to read (coming from an evangelical/protestant perspective):
The Battle for the Keys by Justin Bass
What Jesus did upon entering the grave was a manifold work of defeating death by death, releasing the captives, and proclaiming judgment upon those whose realm is the realm of death. The gates of Hades have been broken open from within, sin has been left on the threshold of the evil one, and our victory of life over the grave is assured.