I can understand where concordists come from, and it's totally normal, but you see it time after time and it always has to change. It's why you see the interpretations by the rabbis. It's why you see the theology of the Reformation. It's why you have ideas in response to current things going on.
The problem with concordism is that you're interpreting through your own lens with your current information and methods of processing the world. But your current information is going to be wrong and your ways of processing are unique. That might not mean your basic idea is wrong (you might come to a decent conclusion still), but when you learn something else or adjust your understanding in some way, then you also need to change your interpretation.
It's just a moving target along with your ideas in general.
Science is supposed to be falsifiable, which makes it uniquely BAD for using as an interpretive lens for Scripture. Marrying science and biblical interpretation means you either can't do science (a YEC cannot falsify their claims) or can't have a stable interpretation through time (if your claim is falsified, you need to adjust your interpretation).