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2Nd Temple Literature - 1 Enoch, Etc. Episodes

Jan. 31, 2025

Finishing the Dangerous Parables of Enoch (Part 4) - Episode 112

Part 2 of the third Parable of Enoch.  In this parable, we find some interesting bits about Noah and what's behind the flood, and ruminate on salvation, critical thinking, dangerous books, and what's upcoming on the podcast.  Bit of a rambly episode at the end, but just opening the door a bit to co…
Jan. 24, 2025

Wisdom and Works: Parables of Enoch (Part 3) - Episode 111

Part 1 of the third Parable of Enoch.  (Guys, I tried to fit it into one episode, but the more the merrier, right??)  In this parable, we find some interesting bits about Noah and start to see what's behind the flood, and end up ruminating about what this text tells us about salvation--especially b…
Jan. 17, 2025

Son of Man: Parables of Enoch (Part 2) - Episode 110

Who is the Son of Man and why is this Jesus's preferred title for himself?  An overview of the second part of 1 Enoch, the Parables of Enoch, with a reading of the second parable.     **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot   Genesis Marks the…
Jan. 10, 2025

The Messiah: Parables of Enoch (Part 1) - Episode 109

Is 1 Enoch a Christian writing?  Some believe so because of its close description of the Son of Man and other messianic imagery, particularly in the Parables of Enoch.  An overview of the second part of 1 Enoch, the Parables of Enoch, with a reading of the first parable.     **Website: www.gene…
Dec. 27, 2024

An Overview + Reading of 1 Enoch: The Book of the Watchers - Episode 107

An overview of 1 Enoch with a reading of the Book of the Watchers.  Bonus: comment on Timothy Alberino and Blurry Creatures' Enoch commentary.     18:32 - Reading of the Book of the Watchers. **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot  …