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Curses Series Episodes

Oct. 27, 2023

Spirit of Organization (Curses, Part 4; Spiritual Realm, Part 6) - Episode 046

Spirits are not just entities.  Is there a "real" spirit of jealousy?  What about a spirit of drunkenness?  Unpack Scripture to see how it uses the term "spirit" in a much broader way than spiritual beings.  Come see how the generational curse crowd takes something true but hides the holistic way w…
June 30, 2023

Theodicy (Curses, Part 3) - Episode 029

Theodicy: if there is a good God, then why is there evil and suffering?  I explore this question beginning from the ancient Near Eastern perspective and continue to what it means for us and creation. **New channel**  https://www.podpage.com/genesis-marks-the-spot/ Naked Bible Podcast 162, The Evil …
May 19, 2023

Gen X isn’t Cursed, I Hope (Curses, Part 2) - Episode 023

Digging into the concept of generational cursing—is it a biblical concept? What do we do about generational curses? Also, responding to the book, Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses by Larry Huch and Benny Hinn. Why the Gospel? by Matthew Bates https://www.amazon.com/Why-Gospel-Living-Jesus…
April 28, 2023

Curses, Foiled Again (Curses, Part 1) - Episode 020

Discussing the concept of curses in the ancient world, exploring some of the ways we see them in the Bible, looking at their impact through the NT, and seeding a few questions along the way for further exploration. Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.castos.com/ Genesis Marks the Spot …