Spirits are not just entities. Is there a "real" spirit of jealousy? What about a spirit of drunkenness? Unpack Scripture to see how it uses the term "spirit" in a much broader way than spiritual beings. Come see how the generational curse crowd takes something true but hides the holistic way w…
Theodicy: if there is a good God, then why is there evil and suffering? I explore this question beginning from the ancient Near Eastern perspective and continue to what it means for us and creation.
**New channel** https://www.podpage.com/genesis-marks-the-spot/
Naked Bible Podcast 162, The Evil …
Digging into the concept of generational cursing—is it a biblical concept? What do we do about generational curses? Also, responding to the book, Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses by Larry Huch and Benny Hinn.
Why the Gospel? by Matthew Bates https://www.amazon.com/Why-Gospel-Living-Jesus…
Discussing the concept of curses in the ancient world, exploring some of the ways we see them in the Bible, looking at their impact through the NT, and seeding a few questions along the way for further exploration.
Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.castos.com/
Genesis Marks the Spot …