Part two of the conversation from episode 70, we discuss the theodicies that Job's friends provide, the idea of Job as a member of the divine council, the structure of the book of Job, and a caution about structuring Scripture without a full knowledge of the language originally used.
Also, some…
If Job is a second Adam, then the satan in Job must be the serpent from the Garden, right? In our previous conversation about Job as a second Adam, we didn't get into nearly enough talk about the satan reflecting or being the serpent from the garden, after all. Is it an I-told-you-so moment?? Ex…
Continuing a conversation about Job with Mike Chu about the message of the book of Job, its application to us, and vindication in speaking to God honestly.
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Why do we worship God amidst suffering? Cindy Beaver and I discuss the topic of theodicy in relation to worship, and Cindy reads the Poem of the Righteous Sufferer, also known as "the Babylonian Job."
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