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Reading Genesis Together Episodes

Aug. 11, 2023

Genealogies and How to Cram More Into a Story - Episode 035

Genesis 4 is our first action-packed genealogy in the Bible!  And seriously!  It's action packed!  Cindy Beaver and I read through the second half of Genesis chapter 4 and talk about what we see.  She reads from the Lexham English Septuagint (LES) and I read from the English Standard Version (ESV).…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
July 28, 2023

Cain: Allegory and Mercy - Reading Genesis 4 with Cindy Beaver - Episode 033

Special guest Cindy Beaver joins me for a public reading of Scripture where we begin reading Genesis 4 from two translations:  The English Standard Version (ESV) and the Lexham English Septuagint (LES).  We talk about the ancient Near East, sacrifices and offerings as shared meals (yep, that likely…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
July 14, 2023

Nachash, Why'd It Hafta Be Nachash? - Episode 031

I'm joined by Michael Norton for a reading of Genesis 3 and talk about the serpent figure in the garden, the nachash.  We read from two translations: the New English Translation (NET) and the New King James Version.  Michael is a seminary student, a certificate holder from the AWKNG School of Theol…
July 7, 2023

Reading Genesis 2 with Geoff Johnson - Episode 030

Geoff Johnson joins me again for reading and discussing Genesis 2 from two translations: the New King James Version and the Lexham English Bible. Public readings of Scripture ought to be common practice, and reading from multiple translations provides an excellent way to delve into the original lan…
Guest: Geoff Johnson
June 23, 2023

Reading Genesis 1 with Geoff Johnson - Episode 028

Special guest Geoff Johnson joins me for reading and discussing Genesis 1 from two translations: the New King James Version and the Lexham English Bible. Public readings of Scripture ought to be common practice, and reading from multiple translations provides an excellent way to delve into the orig…
Guest: Geoff Johnson