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Views Of Creation Episodes

Aug. 4, 2023

Who Doesn't Love a Good Science Book? (Views of Creation, Part 3) - Episode 034

Science and the Bible: how do they intersect?  Can we read the Bible and come away with a solid view of creation?  Should we fight it out as believers?  Reading the "literal" or "plain" six-day creation in the text seems a given for many of us.  We have been told by people we may trust that this is…
March 24, 2023

Literature and How to Love and Date Genesis - (Views of Creation, Part 2) - Episode 015

Exploring two views of creation: the analogical view (the days of creation are analogically similar to the workweek of the Israelite, but the days are not necessarily 24-hour days) and the literary view (Genesis 1 is literarily designed to give us theological truth). Both of these views ask the que…
Feb. 16, 2023

The Lost and Found World of Creation Texts (Views of Creation Series, Part 1) - Episode 010

Several views of creation are introduced and in particular John Walton’s “functional” or “identity” view of creation is discussed. We look at how that fits into the Bible and explore whether or not this is the likeliest way the ancient person would have thought regarding the creation of the cosmos …