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Caleb S. Lewis

Caleb S. Lewis Profile Photo


Caleb S. Lewis is co-host of The Bible in Context podcast and has served as a teacher in a church context for nearly a decade. By formal education he is a mechanical engineer, but has educated himself in Biblical theology, languages, cultural contexts, and literary structures, among other related topics.

July 12, 2024

Two Themes, Two Days, Two Goats; with Caleb Lewis - Episode 083

The Passover and the Day of Atonement both have their fulfillment in Jesus, but how do we see this in Genesis?  Tracing the twin themes of the "two goats" and the exodus through the book of Genesis leads us right to the epic…
July 5, 2024

The Genesis of Exodus, with Caleb Lewis - Episode 082

Exodus begins in Genesis 1.  Caleb Lewis joins me to discuss the many exoduses of Genesis.  I can almost guarantee you'll find something here that you never thought about before that will shed light on the continuity of the …