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Cindy Beaver

Cindy Beaver Profile Photo

Cindy Beaver is a Business Systems Analyst, currently consulting with a major national retailer. She's been deep diving into biblical studies since the early 2000’s when she took a 2 year bible study program called Crossways created by Dr Harry Wendt. Spurred by this, she gained a thirst to understand more of the cultural context of the biblical writers, finding scholars like NT Wright and Kenneth Bailey, and using their bibliographies to find books by other quality scholars to read in a self-study mode, which led her to Dr. Michael Heiser, The Unseen Realm, and the Naked Bible Podcast.

She has completed the certificate program at Dr. Heiser’s AWKNG theology school. Although she's been tempted to go to seminary for a Biblical Studies degree, her current preference is to simply work through reading all the books she's collected, choosing her own subjects for deep study. Her hope is to eventually teach wherever the Lord leads.

Nov. 17, 2023

Study Can Be Fun and Games! - Episode 049

Discussing Christian fiction with Cindy Beaver--from the Ten Commandments to the Chosen, Christian fiction can enrich our lives as we try to understand the ancient world.  In addition to enlightening our study, art gives us new eyes to perceive. Also, Cindy addresses whether or not it's heresy …
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Nov. 3, 2023

Coffee in the Temple - The Archetype of Sacred Space Thru Time (Worship, Part 6) - Episode 047

Is Eden the archetype of sacred space, or is it the temple?  How do we utilize the archetype to shed light on how we worship today?  Cindy Beaver and I overview the concept of sacred space and we move the idea forward to today in our own worship contexts. **New website is here!!! www.genesismark…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Oct. 20, 2023

Sacrifice as Celebration - (Worship, Part 5) - Episode 045

The meaning of "sacrifice" has shifted between the time of the Bible to today.  How did that happen?  Join Cindy Beaver and I and let's get back to a more biblical view of what sacrifice is!  We discuss Jeremy Davis' book, Welcoming Gifts: Sacrifice in the Bible and Christian Life, and we lay out t…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Oct. 6, 2023

Life is Pain - The Babylonian Job (Worship, Part 3) - Episode 043

Why do we worship God amidst suffering?  Cindy Beaver and I discuss the topic of theodicy in relation to worship, and Cindy reads the Poem of the Righteous Sufferer, also known as "the Babylonian Job." **New website is here!!! www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Sept. 29, 2023

Divination to Adoration - Worship Then and Now (Worship, Part 2) - Episode 042

Worship in the ancient world and worship today seem like they're two totally different concepts and ideas.  Are they really that different?  Why would they be?  Cindy Beaver and I start to discuss this in the second part of the worship series. **New website is here!!! www.genesismarksthespot.com…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Sept. 22, 2023

Heaven Calling (Worship, Part 1) - Episode 041

Welcome to the series on worship!  Cindy Beaver and I introduce the topic of worship, discuss how we are going to be casting our study nets wide to see what we catch, and we track one theme in Genesis: calling on the name of the Lord.  Come listen to find out what the difference is between "bad" wo…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
Aug. 11, 2023

Genealogies and How to Cram More Into a Story - Episode 035

Genesis 4 is our first action-packed genealogy in the Bible!  And seriously!  It's action packed!  Cindy Beaver and I read through the second half of Genesis chapter 4 and talk about what we see.  She reads from the Lexham English Septuagint (LES) and I read from the English Standard Version (ESV).…
Guest: Cindy Beaver
July 28, 2023

Cain: Allegory and Mercy - Reading Genesis 4 with Cindy Beaver - Episode 033

Special guest Cindy Beaver joins me for a public reading of Scripture where we begin reading Genesis 4 from two translations:  The English Standard Version (ESV) and the Lexham English Septuagint (LES).  We talk about the ancient Near East, sacrifices and offerings as shared meals (yep, that likely…
Guest: Cindy Beaver