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Geoff Johnson

Geoff Johnson Profile Photo

Geoff holds a master’s degree in English and works in the field of business intelligence, but his passion is in teaching the scriptures. He has taught adult Bible classes for over twenty years, always using expository techniques to uncover and convey the message of the biblical writers as faithfully as possible to their original intent. Since 2020 he has been recording his lessons, and since the middle of 2023 he has been sharing them publicly at the Storeroom of Scripture YouTube channel.

Linked below is his YouTube channel.

July 7, 2023

Reading Genesis 2 with Geoff Johnson - Episode 030

Geoff Johnson joins me again for reading and discussing Genesis 2 from two translations: the New King James Version and the Lexham English Bible. Public readings of Scripture ought to be common practice, and reading from multiple translations provides an excellent way to delve into the original lan…
Guest: Geoff Johnson
June 23, 2023

Reading Genesis 1 with Geoff Johnson - Episode 028

Special guest Geoff Johnson joins me for reading and discussing Genesis 1 from two translations: the New King James Version and the Lexham English Bible. Public readings of Scripture ought to be common practice, and reading from multiple translations provides an excellent way to delve into the orig…
Guest: Geoff Johnson