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Jeffrey Pitts

Jeffrey Pitts Profile Photo


Jeffrey Pitts is a child of God, happily married, and father of 6.

Jeffrey currently works with Software development, network engineering, and cyber security.

Enjoying the outdoors, Jeffrey runs a small farm with sheep and chickens. A certified Permaculture Designer, he enjoys edible landscaping and agroforestry. He also enjoys going on adventures with Trail Life.

Sept. 8, 2023

An Advent for the Cosmos, a Discussion with Jeffrey Pitts - Episode 039

Merry Christmas!  ...wait?  Isn't it September?  Yes, it is!  Jeffrey Pitts, author of the book An Advent for the Cosmos, a "divine council worldview" devotional book joins me in this special Christmas-in-September episode to discuss his book as well as the idea that Jesus' birthday occurred in Sep…
Guest: Jeffrey Pitts