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Joshua Sherman
Joshua Sherman is the host of the podcast Tending Our Nets and is a frequent guest on many other platforms as he has a great deal of wonderful things to say about a variety of topics!
Responding to Doreen Virtue's critique of Dr. Michael Heiser. Definitions, definitions, definitions. Elohim, polytheism, divine....what do they mean? What did Dr. Heiser mean by them? Can a functional view of these terms help clear the waters?
**Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com
My P…
Continuing the image of God series with Joshua Sherman, we delve into Scripture to see that this concept is deeply embedded everywhere, and in places that you might not expect!
Being God’s Image by Carmen Imes: https://www.amazon.com/Being-Gods-Image-Creation-Matters-ebook/dp/B0BLD43TVC/ref=tmm_ki…
Continuing the discussion about the embodied image of God, Joshua Sherman and I talk about the ancient Near East context of the image and also ethical and philosophical implications of it. Is the image ontological or is it functional? It is a noun or is a verb--or can we see it as both?
Carmen Jo…
Continuing with the series on the image of God, in this episode I talk to Joshua Sherman about the important aspect of the image being embodied in both Christ as well as in us as individual humans and the church as the body of Christ.
Book recommendations:Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Imes https://…
Joshua Sherman joins the podcast to talk about the image of Christ. We discuss how we can trace the image of God through the Bible forward into its ultimate picture in the incarnation of Jesus and how we ought to think of both the image of God and the image of Christ in relationship to who we are …