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Lois Tverberg

Lois Tverberg Profile Photo

Author, Speaker

Lois Tverberg has been teaching and writing about the Bible in its Hebraic, Jewish cultural context for over twenty-five years. Her passion is to translate the Bible's ancient setting into fresh insights that deepen and strengthen Christian faith.

Lois grew up with plenty of Sunday School knowledge, but it wasn't until after she had earned a PhD in biology and was teaching as a college professor that her fascination for the Bible’s original Jewish setting was ignited. She has since studied several times in Israel, taking courses in biblical Hebrew, Koine Greek, and in the physical and cultural context of the Bible.

Lois brings to her writing a surprising set of tools from her training as a scientist. She received her BA in physics and her PhD in Molecular Physiology. She has published several scientific papers and holds a patent from her PhD research. For several years she taught biology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.

In 2009 Lois partnered with Ann Spangler to write the EPCA bestseller, Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus (Zondervan). Together they discovered how restoring Jesus to his first-century Jewish reality sheds light on his life and ministry. Later Lois followed with Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus (Zondervan, 2012), which challenged readers to read Jesus’ words in light of Jewish thought. In her latest book, Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus, (Baker, 2018), Lois equips readers to encounter the Scriptures more authentically by looking at big-picture ideas that are lost on modern Westerners, helping us bridge the cultural gap that separates us from Jesus’ original Middle Eastern context.

In 2001 she cofounded the En-Gedi Resource Center (EnGediResourceCenter.com), an educational ministry with a goal of deepening Christian understanding of the Bible in its context. The ministry published her first book, Listening to the Language of the Bible, as well as books and media by other scholars on Jesus’ Jewish context.

Lois currently writes from her home in Holland, Michigan. Along with writing, she speaks at churches, conferences, and retreats.

March 22, 2024

Torah Marks the Spot, with Lois Tverberg - Episode 067

A conversation with Dr. Lois Tverberg about reading the Bible in Jesus' Jewish context: haftara, the importance of the prophetic literature, and the theme of kingship in the Bible. **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot  Links from …
Guest: Lois Tverberg