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Mike Chu

Mike Chu Profile Photo

Academic Director

Mike Chu is an American-born Chinese Bostonian who started following Jesus the Christ before the Sox broke the "Curse of the Bambino" and Brady was ever the GOAT. Dr. Michael Heiser’s material was a catalyst that began Mike’s journey into Biblical studies. He graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) in the summer of 2023 with a Master of Divinity and is now a Doctorate Candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree in Preaching at GCTS. He is also the Academic Director at Dr. Heiser’s AWKNG School of Theology since the Spring of 2023. He, additionally, co-hosts two podcasts, the first is with “The Divine Council Worldview Podcast” which is one of the legacy projects produced by the Michael S. Heiser Foundation, and the second is the “Ask a Scholar” podcast which is produced by the AWKNG School of Theology. Mike serves as a part-time teaching pastor at Granite City Church, where he and his wife Sofia attends from their home in Quincy, MA.

Nov. 15, 2024

How Singleness Teaches Us, with Mike Chu - Episode 101

Continuing the conversation about singleness--this time with Mike Chu.  What does the message of singleness as eschatological tell us about marriage and childlessness and how to value and interact within our relationships?  A fantastic conversation that opens the doors to listening to one another a…
Guest: Mike Chu
July 19, 2024

Inspiration Theories, with Mike Chu - Episode 084

What is the role of the human in inspiration?  Are the Scriptures the "inspired word of God" via dictation or "holy download" to the human writer?  Is there room for editing and compiling?  Discussing the dictation view, the verbal plenary view, and the dynamic view of inspiration.  Each view h…
Guest: Mike Chu
April 19, 2024

The Cautions of Chiasms, with Mike Chu - Episode 071

Part two of the conversation from episode 70, we discuss the theodicies that Job's friends provide, the idea of Job as a member of the divine council, the structure of the book of Job, and a caution about structuring Scripture without a full knowledge of the language originally used.  Also, some…
Guest: Mike Chu
April 12, 2024

Who is Leviathan: Chaos Monster, Satan, or Job? with Mike Chu - Episode 070

If Job is a second Adam, then the satan in Job must be the serpent from the Garden, right?  In our previous conversation about Job as a second Adam, we didn't get into nearly enough talk about the satan reflecting or being the serpent from the garden, after all.  Is it an I-told-you-so moment??  Ex…
Guest: Mike Chu
April 5, 2024

Divine Council Worldview: Comparing Translations with Mike Chu - Episode 069

Comparing translations of passages that touch on the Divine Council Worldview.  Why do some Bible translations have "sons of God" in Deut. 32:8 and others have "sons of Israel"?  Can humans be elohim?  What's with the "so-called gods" in 1 Cor. 8:5?  **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  M…
Guest: Mike Chu
March 15, 2024

Job, a Righteous Dude (with Mike Chu) - Episode 066

Continuing a conversation about Job with Mike Chu about the message of the book of Job, its application to us, and vindication in speaking to God honestly. **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot  Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: …
Guest: Mike Chu
March 8, 2024

Job as a Second Adam (with Mike Chu) - Episode 065

Job as a second Adam and other fascinating things like the dating of Job's trials, what's up with "the fear of the Lord," and a new look at the satan in Job; you won't want to miss this conversation with Mike Chu! **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Gen…
Guest: Mike Chu
Dec. 22, 2023

The Christmas Dragon - Episode 054

Discussing the not-so-cuddly Christmas dragon with Mike Chu.  Come find out how Revelation 12 illuminates the Christ event. **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GenesisMarkstheSpot  The Awakening School of Theology: https://awkngschooloftheology.com/…
Guest: Mike Chu