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Troy Y

Troy Y Profile Photo

Husband/Dad/Bible Curious

Grew up in a faith based rehab/cult. Navy submarine veteran-MM1-LELT. Former ordained minister in Non-denominational church. Orthodox Christian.

June 21, 2024

Flood Overview: JEDP to Chiasm, with Troy Yurchak - Episode 080

The more I study the Bible, the more I come back to the same question:  Who is God, and what does the Bible tell us about Him?  Looking at the flood narrative from the common paradigm and flipping it on its head to include a more expansive view of our relationship to God and what he wants for us.  …
Guest: Troy Y
June 14, 2024

The Liturgical Chiasm of Genesis 1, with Troy Yurchak - Episode 079

How does the structure of Genesis 1 work as a chiasm, and what does that mean for our view of liturgy--what it is and why we do it?  Troy Yurchak joins me for this great discussion that unexpectedly combines literary design with liturgy and discipleship!   **Website: www.genesismarksthespot.com  …
Guest: Troy Y