Worship and the image of God: both are associated with sacred space and our relationship with God. James Russell joins me for a conversation about how these things connect with our discipleship as believers. While we don't touch on current events and eschatology, the things discussed in this conversation are how I personally relate to the topic of the end times.
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Here is a version of the Poem of the Righteous Sufferer: http://tomsbiblesite.org/index.php/bible/christian-bible/old-testament/wisdom/job/babylonian-job?showall=&limitstart=
Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan