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Nachash, Why'd It Hafta Be Nachash? - Episode 031

I'm joined by Michael Norton for a reading of Genesis 3 and talk about the serpent figure in the garden, the nachash. We read from two translations: the New English Translation (NET) and the New King James Version. Michael is a seminary student, a certificate holder from the AWKNG School of Theology, and hosts his own podcast, My Mysterious Bible. He is also author of the Divine Council Worldview Devotional. All these and more are linked below!

The Divine Council Worldview Devotional: [https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Council-Worldview-Supernatural-Introduction-ebook/dp/B08Y596DJY](https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Council-Worldview-Supernatural-Introduction-ebook/dp/B08Y596DJY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12330DLTZST2&keywords=divine+council+worldview+devotional&qid=1689202185&sprefix=divine+council+worldview+devotional%2Caps%2C222&sr=8-1)

Michael Norton's My Mysterious Bible: https://www.mymysteriousbible.com/

Michael Heiser's Demons book: https://www.amazon.com/Demons-Bible-Really-Powers-Darkness-ebook/dp/B088C559H7

My new site! www.genesismarksthespot.com

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Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan