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The Messiah: Parables of Enoch (Part 1) - Episode 109

Is 1 Enoch a Christian writing? Some believe so because of its close description of the Son of Man and other messianic imagery, particularly in the Parables of Enoch. An overview of the second part of 1 Enoch, the Parables of Enoch, with a reading of the first parable.

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Michael Heiser's Reader's Commentary, Parables of Enoch: https://www.amazon.com/Companion-Book-Enoch-Commentary-Parables/dp/1948014416

Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan
Link to Wintergatan’s website: https://wintergatan.net/
Link to the original Marble Machine video by Wintergatan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUU8joBb1Q&ab_channel=Wintergatan