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Jan. 8, 2024

Ancestor Epics: Structuring Genesis

It's the new year, so let's talk about the structure of Genesis.  There are a few ways Genesis is divided.  None of these ways negate the others--they are just different ways of looking at the book and each helps us with a different facet …

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Jan. 2, 2024

Tips for Discerning Content

When discussing Gary Wayne in episode 53, I mentioned a number of questions you could ask to help discern content and whether or not something is worthy of your time or consideration in general.  This included some advice from the book How to R…

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Dec. 7, 2023

Sacrifice: A Resource List

In Episode 50 of Genesis Marks the Spot, I spoke with Spencer Owen about sharing a book list for those interested in reading more about sacrifice. Here it is; happy reading! The Sacrifice of Jesus (Christian Eberhart)  The Day …

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Nov. 6, 2023

New Show Announcement: Pilgrims in a Holy Land

I've got a fun announcement! I have partnered with the Youtube channel, Faith Unaltered, to begin producing a regular segment called "Pilgrims in a Holy Land."  The show will be an extension of my podcast insofar as it will take the same type …

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Nov. 6, 2023

Why I don't "argue"...

I've had people mention to me an interesting pattern of behavior I have.  I don't keep beating my head against a conversation when it's clear that the other person just wants to argue or isn't curious about my position.  If I present infor…

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Sept. 14, 2023

Serpent, Satan, or Solicitor?

So when someone talks about the satan (literally, in Hebrew, it says, "ha satan," which means "the satan" or "the accuser") in Job and how that is not necessarily Satan himself, I hear this common response: "But in Revelation, we see the dragon w…

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Sept. 2, 2023

Priests in the Garden

Adam and Eve are not called priests in Genesis.  In fact, the first mention of a priest doesn't come up until Genesis 14:18 with the mysterious figure of Melchizedek.  The only other priests mentioned in the first book are the priests of E…

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Aug. 4, 2023

Washing Sackcloth

I suspect that many of us today haven’t thought long and hard about the creation in the context of the work of Jesus…not really. Because usually we’re thinking about what happened after creation. We’re thinking about “…

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July 3, 2023

So excited to have my domain up and running!

I've had my domain name since the start of my podcast, but for whatever reason...domains are complicated!I do finally have it hooked up so if you're sharing my podcast, I'd appreciate if you'd also share the site!  There is a ton of functionali…

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June 8, 2023

Welcome to my new website!

Hey!  Thanks for checking out my new website!  Things might be a bit rusty as I am figuring things out, so I hope you will bear with me, but I am working on getting a newsletter up and doing a host of other things for the podcast, so stay …

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