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May 19, 2023

Gen X isn’t Cursed, I Hope (Curses, Part 2) - Episode 023

Digging into the concept of generational cursing—is it a biblical concept? What do we do about generational curses? Also, responding to the book, Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses by Larry Huch and Benny Hinn. Why the Gospel? by Matthew Bates https://www.amazon.com/Why-Gospel-Living-Jesus…
May 12, 2023

Wave It at Anything that Slithers - Episode 022

Was light created? A study in biblical theology on the theme of light and what it means. Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.castos.com/ Genesis Marks the Spot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/genesismarksthespot Music credit: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan Link to Wintergatan’…
May 5, 2023

Image Embodied: Verb or Noun? with Joshua Sherman (Image Series, Part 4) - Episode 021

Continuing the discussion about the embodied image of God, Joshua Sherman and I talk about the ancient Near East context of the image and also ethical and philosophical implications of it.  Is the image ontological or is it functional?  It is a noun or is a verb--or can we see it as both? Carmen Jo…
April 28, 2023

Curses, Foiled Again (Curses, Part 1) - Episode 020

Discussing the concept of curses in the ancient world, exploring some of the ways we see them in the Bible, looking at their impact through the NT, and seeding a few questions along the way for further exploration. Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.castos.com/ Genesis Marks the Spot …
April 21, 2023

Documentary Hypothesis and JEDP: May the Priest be With You - Episode 019

What is the “documentary hypothesis”? Also known as the four-source hypothesis, or JEDP, is there any good basis for this theory of higher criticism? These are questions we look at, ending up focusing on some of the “priestly” texts of the Bible. Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.cast…
April 14, 2023

Too Much LDS: My Journey into Biblical Theology - Episode 018

How did I go from strong LDS belief to believing in Christianity as formulated in biblical theology? This is my story and a little bit of exposition as to what I think it all means. Do you know what faith is? What is “believing loyalty,” anyway? Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.cas…
April 7, 2023

The Embodied Image with Joshua Sherman (Image Series, Part 3) - Episode 017

Continuing with the series on the image of God, in this episode I talk to Joshua Sherman about the important aspect of the image being embodied in both Christ as well as in us as individual humans and the church as the body of Christ. Book recommendations:Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Imes https://…
March 31, 2023

A Postoperative Examination of the Cosmic Temple - Episode 016

The theme of the cosmic temple is a popular one in the halls of biblical theology—how solid of an idea is it, though? Here we are going to talk about temples, including touching on the purposes of the temple in LDS theology to compare that with the temple in the Bible, and I’m going to discuss Dani…
March 24, 2023

Literature and How to Love and Date Genesis - (Views of Creation, Part 2) - Episode 015

Exploring two views of creation: the analogical view (the days of creation are analogically similar to the workweek of the Israelite, but the days are not necessarily 24-hour days) and the literary view (Genesis 1 is literarily designed to give us theological truth). Both of these views ask the que…
March 17, 2023

Being Treeish with Jon Dillon - Episode 014

Discussion with Jon Dillon (of the Two Trees Podcast) centered on the theme of trees, fruitfulness, and multiplication. What does it mean to be fruitful? Why trees? Is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil a “bad” tree? Bonus material: https://genesis-marks-the-spot.castos.com/ Genesis Marks…
Guest: Jon Dillon
March 10, 2023

Q&A #1 - Deconstruction, Polytheism, Resources, Eschatology - Episode 013

Our first Q&A! Timestamps: (1:11) - What do we do when we grew up Christian, or have been in a particular Christian tradition or church for a while, and…we start thinking in terms of biblical theology, of studying the Bible in its ancient context? (18:00) - In college years ago, I heard about the i…
March 3, 2023

The Image of Christ through Biblical Theology, with Joshua Sherman (Image Series, Part 2) - Episode 012

Joshua Sherman joins the podcast to talk about the image of Christ.  We discuss how we can trace the image of God through the Bible forward into its ultimate picture in the incarnation of Jesus and how we ought to think of both the image of God and the image of Christ in relationship to who we are …
Feb. 24, 2023

What is the Image of God? (Image Series, Part 1) - Episode 011

This episode takes a bit of a diversion from biblical theology into the question of “What is the image of God?” Does God have a physical aspect that we copy (could the LDS church be right about us becoming gods)? Is the image of God proof against evolution? Is the image of God the soul of man? What…
Feb. 16, 2023

The Lost and Found World of Creation Texts (Views of Creation Series, Part 1) - Episode 010

Several views of creation are introduced and in particular John Walton’s “functional” or “identity” view of creation is discussed. We look at how that fits into the Bible and explore whether or not this is the likeliest way the ancient person would have thought regarding the creation of the cosmos …
Feb. 10, 2023

Fingerprints of the Journalist: Graham Hancock and Ancient Apocalypse - Episode 009

Who is Graham Hancock and is his Netflix show, Ancient Apocalypse supposed to mirror the History Channel show, Ancient Aliens? Do his ideas have any basis in reality or the Bible? What does his work have to do with the study of the ancient Near East? And who are the apkallu and why should we care? …
Feb. 3, 2023

Enuma Elish: Babylonian Creation (ANE Literature, Part 1) - Episode 008

Reading ancient literature can help us understand the Bible.  Following on from the conversation in episode 7 about how to read myth in relation to the Bible, this episode includes a reading of the Babylonian creation account known as Enuma Elish. A bonus question at the beginning of the episode: …
Jan. 27, 2023

The Myth of Mythology - Episode 007

What is mythology and why should the student of the Bible be interested in it? Isn’t mythology just a bunch of made up stories? Or, can mythology actually relate directly to history? In this episode, the concept of mythology is explored along with the field of form criticism, which is a fancy of wa…
Jan. 20, 2023

Biblical Context: The Divine Council (The Spiritual Realm, Part 3) - Episode 006

Did the Bible steal all its ideas from its neighbors? Was Israelite religion merely an off-shoot of Canaanite religion? How do we understand ancient literature that is similar to the Bible? These questions and more are explored, focusing in on how the Bible describes God having a divine council tha…
Jan. 13, 2023

It is the Trinity: Two Powers in Heaven (Spiritual Realm, Part 2) - Episode 005

As Christians, we may have a difficult time in seeing the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament and early Christian belief, especially when it comes to understanding the divinity of Christ. How would a Jew of the first century understand a man living amongst them as God? Many C…
Jan. 10, 2023

It’s Not the Trinity: Gen 1:26 (Spiritual Realm, Part 1) - Episode 004

Most Christians have an image of the heavenly realm that contains more than just God. We believe in angels and we might even have an idea that there are strange creatures with a lot of eyes and wings and heads...well, once we get that far, maybe we get a little freaked out so we stop looking too cl…
Dec. 30, 2022

Did the Gods Return? (A Book Review of "The Return of the Gods" by Jonathan Cahn) - Episode 003

Who is Jonathan Cahn and what is the “explosive mystery” that he reveals in his book The Return of the Gods? Though he suggests that you need to read the entire book to uncover the mystery because it can’t be pared down to a short description, I actually found it quite easy to summarize the mystery…
Dec. 23, 2022

Design: It's More than DNA - Episode 002

How do we understand the days of creation in Genesis 1? That question can only be answered after exploring what the Bible is and how it is a book written by ancient people in a specific time and place. The Bible, science, cosmic temples, a flat earth, and would an ancient person have used a DeLorea…
Dec. 17, 2022

Genesis: Raiding the Ivory Tower - Episode 001

An introduction to the show, discussing why critical thinking is essential to our pursuit of the study of the Bible and how questioning our assumptions about the text doesn’t need to break our faith. A “scientific” reading of Genesis chapter one is compared and contrasted with a more contextual rea…
Dec. 16, 2022

Genesis Marks the Spot Trailer

A brief introduction to the podcast's focus.